Edit or Cancel Your Order Before it Ships!
You will receive an order confirmation email when you place an order with us. Within this email, you can view your order, where you will have the option to edit or cancel your order. From here, you can edit your order, which will cancel and refund the incorrect order allowing you to place a new order to add additional products, change sizes, and update shipping. Simply select ‘Edit,’ and we'll guide you through the process of changing your order.
How to Edit Your Order Step by Step:
Open your order confirmation email.
Click on the “View Order” button.
Select 'Edit' under the “Order actions” heading.
Your current order will be canceled and refunded.
Place a new order with the correct information.
For more information on canceling your order, check out this article: How Do I Cancel My Order?
Please note that these options are only available to you before your order has shipped. You must act fast to make this change, as we make it a priority to ship orders as soon as we receive them!
For more information on orders, check out the links below: